Staff Spotlight (6)

Faces of Persevere: Meet Shaina Harville

Our greatest asset is our staff. Our team cares deeply about their work, our participants and is a wealth of knowledge. Plus they are pretty amazing humans as well. Meet the faces of Persevere.

Faces of Persevere: Meet Shaina Harville

Name: Shaina Harville

Position and Location
Case Manager for Middle TN

How long have you worked for Persevere?
8 months (Since January 12th, 2023)

Where are you originally from?
Savannah, TN

What do you love most about your job?
Being able to be a part of such a life-changing organization.

Why Persevere?
There is no one at Persevere that will not push you to become the best version of yourself, and cheer you on the whole way! Persevere is a team full of supporters. We all have the same common goals- Change lives, and views, and reduce recidivism. This is where second chances thrive!
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I always wanted to be a teacher. I have always had a heart for helping and teaching others.
Looking back on your life, who or what makes you instantly light up?
Adventure! Taking on the unknown and being able to continually grow!
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
You’re not growing if you are comfortable. It can be difficult at times, but the results are so rewarding!
Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day always starts with a smile and ends on a positive note. 
What are you most proud of about yourself?
The way I have “persevered” through life. I have had the odds stacked against me for most of my life, I have KEPT PUSHING because of the vision of life I want for my kids and myself.
Favorite Movie or TV show?
I LOVE Urban Cowboy!
What is something about you that would surprise us?
I love to ride “buggies” (Rock Crawlers/Bouncers) on the weekend. 
Anything else you would like to share?
Persevere and its employees have been a huge blessing to me. Such an amazing impact on people and communities.
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