
Persevere Success Stories

What started with one man’s life changing experience, has grown to thousands of life changing experiences for hundreds of men and women in multiple states across the country. And we’re just getting started.

Coding Courage: Empowering Florida Women at Lowell Correctional

On December 6, 2024, at Lowell Correctional in Florida, fifteen women graduated from a rigorous full-stack web development program. Dubbed “Coding Courage: Florida’s Path to Transformation at Lowell Correctional,” their achievement marks a powerful journey from confinement to empowerment.

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Get Involved

We believe, and are committed to, communities and various stakeholders working together to form coalitions and create partnerships to bring education, housing, jobs, and mental health and substance abuse services to their respective areas. Too many people are affected by the criminal justice system, recidivism, and lack of access to critical resources and services. Too many of our minority populations have been drastically and disproportionately impacted.

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