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Program Manager, Brandis Leverette

Faces of Persevere: Meet Brandis Leverette

Our greatest asset is our staff. Our team cares deeply about their work, our participants and is a wealth of knowledge. Plus they are pretty amazing humans as well. Meet the faces of Persevere.

Brandis Leverette

Position and Location
Program Manager, Families First in Tennessee

How long have you worked for Persevere?
September 2022–almost 1 year.

Where are you originally from?
Flint, Michigan

What do you love most about your job?
I love helping to solve problems and learning the redemptive stories of the individuals we serve.

Why Persevere?
My dad spent some of the most important years of my life incarcerated. I served/serve witness to the challenges he has faced while trying to re-enter and re-acclimate to society. My heart and passion for the least of these and forgotten grew from watching his struggle and how he “persevered” despite the obstacles.
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
When I was really young, I was fascinated with the sound of a diesel engine. I wanted to drive busses. Later as a teenager, I wanted to be a pro athlete or entertainer. I wanted and taught school for a decade or so. For whatever the reason, I can’t seem to get away from helping people. My deep hope is that I can continue doing that while supporting my family.
Looking back on your life, who or what makes you instantly light up?
My wife and kids are at the tippy top of my list. But, I am learning to cherish every relationship. I also believe it matters how you start your race; how you run your race; because it will impact how you finish your race.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
The best advice I’ve been given is don’t be too prideful to be willing to ask for help or to say I’m sorry.
Describe your perfect day.
I’ve had a perfect day when I’ve gotten to the end of the day and can know that I made someone else’s day. Oh, and it everything I want goes to plan how I want it.
What are you most proud of about yourself?
I’m most proud of how I’m learning to grow to be intentional as a husband, dad, friend, and in all the other roles I play in life.
Favorite Movie or TV show?
I’m easily entertained, and have too many to list. I love sports, drama, comedy, and crime shows. I love Blue Bloods. I’m currently watching Lioness. The Neighborhood is a great show. I don’t love it as much as my wife, but we still watch The Office. I am a huge movie guy. I love going to the actual theater. I have a Movie Pass account and card, too.
What is something about you that would surprise us?
I like doing karaoke and old school pro wrestling.