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Tech Alliance Employer Involvement

Partnerships for a Better World

The Tech Alliance system is an employer-driven program committed to training individuals for high quality jobs in the tech industry and beyond. Persevere has also secured partnerships with the Tennessee Department of Correction, other government agencies, and community organizations across the state. Thank you to our partners!

"I couldn't be more proud of our association with Persevere.  It's an honor to be able to work daily with graduates of the program and watch as they take the skills they've learned, and be able to put them to use in real-world software development scenarios. The pride this work generates in the graduates is a testament to the Persevere program and the students who work so hard to succeed!"
Eric Jacky
Tennessee Employers, Join the Movement!

Tennessee Employers, Join the Movement!

Create high-performing teams with ease. Whether you’re curious about our program or ready to hire talented individuals, we’ve got you covered.

👇 Fill out the form to receive our Hiring Guide—packed with strategies and tips for building a stronger workplace. Let's get started on something great! 🚀


A Partnership for a Better World

Indeed is a valued staff augmentation partner. They have hired a team of Persevere Graduate Developers as an extension of their software engineering team to produce a new product called OnDemand. In addition, they are hiring two of our developers for a new platform for their internal systems.

Watch the video to learn more about this very special partnership.

A Partnership for a Better World

Indeed is a valued staff augmentation partner. They have hired a team of Persevere Graduate Developers as an extension of their software engineering team to produce a new product called OnDemand. In addition, they are hiring two of our developers for a new platform for their internal systems.

Watch the video to learn more about this very special partnership.

How Can You Help?
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Tech Alliance trains students for careers in technology who are ready to take on your open projects and fill vacant positions. Our grads possess indispensable hard skills for the jobs of the future and will add value to your company.
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Mentorship is a way for your company to help provide invaluable expertise to trainees looking to enter the industry. Mentorship allows professionals currently working in the technology field to serve as mentors, advisors, and coaches that can guide trainees along the pathway to success.
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Apprenticeship allows an employer to develop and prepare their future workforce. Through apprenticeship, individuals can obtain paid work experience, and classroom instruction with industry leaders.
Job Acquisition
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